
May 2016


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An USBasp in a new design II

Most of the time I design and debug my AVR projects on solderless breadboards nowadays. And for that I have been using some different types of programmers by now: starting with the good old STK500, to different versions of USBasp clones from Chinese sellers on eBay.

In order to connect the programmers to the […]

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An USBasp in a new design

Just a small teaser: today I received my circuit boards from PCBgogo – a layout which I just had sent to the Chinese manufacturer last Sunday.

The finished circuit board from China.

It is a USBasp, which can be placed on a breadboard and at the same time supplies the power rails […]

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Nerd or not?

Today there was a geocaching event celebrating Nerd Day. I must admit that I wasn’t aware of the significance of today’s date, but I also knew that I can probably be considered being a nerd.

In the early days of the internet, while still writing my master’s thesis in Kiel, I already scored high […]

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(Deutsch) …nicht schon wieder!

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

The end of a short story in life…

This afternoon the birdsnest outside my office window has been plundered by a crow or raven. Even though the parent-birds got reinforcement by two other fieldfares they never had a chance.

The small birds only had a few days of life but they somehow enriched my days.

…they just had a few […]

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BirdCam – feeding in slow-motion

Because there was a problem with the Raspberry Pi again today, I took the opportunity to film my fieldfares live for a short while. In this slow-motion video you can see how first the female arrives at the nest with a fresh worm. A short while later also the male arrives with a beak […]

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