
March 2016


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OctoPrint – a new attempt

It was not so simple to set up a Raspberry Pi as a 3D-print server as I had hoped. It started with issues with the WiFi-dongle, continued to a complete black out on all of my USB web cams and finally I gave up…

I reflashed the SD-card with the latest full Raspbian Jessie […]

Continue reading OctoPrint – a new attempt

OctoPi – WiFi issues

Next step in my journey into 3D-printing would be to set up a server to remote-control my 3D-printer. Since two weeks ago I have a spare Raspberry Pi 2 lying around and Google quickly revealed the existence of OctoPrint.

Ok, downloading the image of OctoPi and writing it to a micro-SD, making the necessary […]

Continue reading OctoPi – WiFi issues

Improving the Wanhao Duplicator i3 – Part 1

Yesterday I got my Winhao Duplicator i3 and when I was setting it up and adjusting the print bed I thought: “Is it supposed to be like this?”

The print bed is a heated aluminum plate which is mounted on top of the Y-axis sled by four M3 screws, one in each corner. These […]

Continue reading Improving the Wanhao Duplicator i3 – Part 1

The future is here…

…it arrived by mail today – and I couldn’t wait…

The Wanhao Duplicator i3.

Counterfeit chips – again

It’s been a while since I exposed my students to counterfeit chips from dubious eBay channels, but now it has happened again.

Texas Instruments SN754410 dual H-bridge

For a couple of projects I provided my students with dual H-bridge drivers, the Texas Instruments SN754410. I had a couple of these in my […]

Continue reading Counterfeit chips – again

Don’t trust the datasheet!

Today I wanted to use a magnetic sensor for a small project. I had three Honeywell 2SS52M sensors in my stock – a magnetoresistive switch, more sensitive than your usual Hall-effect based ones. For my project it didn’t matter, but since I had these lying around I could as well put them to some […]

Continue reading Don’t trust the datasheet!