
November 2012


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City of Stralsund flogs unique library collection

Money has to be saved everywhere these days, but should a public entity be allowed to flog the family silver? The city of Stralsund, UNESCO world heritage site, has recently silently and covertly sold off a unique library collection.

An online petition was started with the aim to revoke this action:


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buying electronics on ebay

Based on my experience buying electronic components on ebay I decided to maintain a personal white-list and black-list of ebay sellers.

The best LED bulb? – part 2

Ok, let us continue the reverse engineering of the E27 LED bulb LEDARE from IKEA. After describing the actual light emitting diode assembly in the previous post, I will today look deeper under the hood into the power supply.

Disassembling the socket of the clear E27 LED bulb LEDARE from IKEA to […]

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The best LED bulb?

At least the best one I have seen so far. After giving a lecture on LEDs yesterday I finally unpacked and tested my latest buy – the clear E27 LED bulb LEDARE from IKEA.

The clear E27 LED bulb LEDARE from IKEA. (Image linked from IKEA’s homepage.)

The specs of this LED bulb […]

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DIY STK505 replacement

The Atmel STK500 development board does support many but not all of Atmels AVR controllers. As an enhancement a STK505 unit was constructed by Atmel to support the ATtiny24/44/84 series of microcontrollers, which come in a 14-pin DIP package. Other plugin-boards for other pinouts have also been made, but since the STK500 itself is […]

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